Monday, March 1, 2010

International Passengers being looted every day

Shri S.M.Krishna / Mr.Shashi Tharoor,
Ministry of External Affairs
Government of India New Delhi

Subject : Poor / Illterate international passengers being looted every day at Mumbai & other airports

In the above quoted reference , you might be quite surprised as ‘Air passengers’ are not expected to be ‘Poor & Illiterate’ !! Yes , the fact is that the thousands of poor Indians that travel to UAE / Middle East countries for menial jobs every day & are both ‘Poor’ & ‘illiterate’ ( Some know how to read and write Hindi but for Ministry of Foreign Affairs , they are illiterate as it still prints the immigration form only in English! )

Let me appraise our ‘Twitter savvy’ minister and his superiors in power that, i have been observing that people travelling especially as labourers ( Poor & Illiterate )have to pay between Rs.20 to Rs.60 to fill the immigration form at the Mumbai international airport . I have witnessed this several times . Our politicians are fighting for local language being spoken in Maharashtra but our immigration form is not even in our national language spoken by Majority – Hindi ( I do not know if deliberately the forms are only made available in English, so that the poor people have to use the services of ‘Touts’ who charge for each form being filled . I tried to help some poor / illiterate people by filing their form but i have limitations with time so as to catch my flight .

I find these poor people are literally begging these touts to negotiate the price for filling the form .

Once i heard the ‘tout’ telling the poor traveller that, “he had to also pay to enter the airport to offer these services, so he cannot charge less ” !!

What security are you talking our Hon’ble PM / HM ? If ‘Touts’ can find an entry to the international airport is at the mercy of the terrorists !

Suggestion :

1. Please start a counter at all the international airports ( i am sure that this must be an organized racket in all international airports and not just in Mumbai ) for these poor labourers who leave their loved ones to do menial jobs to keep their kitchen fires burning . They are ‘robbed’ even before they leave their country at the airport !!

2. Also, please print the immigration forms in Hindi and local languages 3.

Poor are never heard. I am speaking for them. Please act immediately and respond to this email.

Do not forget to raid the airports and suspend the corrupt directors of these airports immediately

Best wishes

Rajendra Pratap Gupta

Email :

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