Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Nehru Gene , Congress & Faulty Policies - Let's move on or else suffer more !!

March – April meant a lot of travel and meetings for myself , but the most interesting part were a few conversations that I will never forget !!

Whenever I am travelling to places within India and abroad , I make sure that I interact with people and ask them how much they know of our great country and what they feel about it . I am always proud to be born in this great country . May be , this drives me to find some answers to questions that need not be stated here !!

One conversation I had was with a senior columnist in Kashmir during my visit last month . While we were talking , the issue of partition came up ( this topic is close to my heart as my mother was born and brought up in Lahore , now in Pakistan ) .

This columnist had an interesting point : He mentioned that due to the insatiable lust for power in Nehru , India got divided . His belief was that, Jinnah was at his fag-end due to cancer , if only Nehru would have waited for one more year ( It is not good to have a wish that one dies of cancer but...) , we could have saved ourselves from partition . The columnist went on to add , how could India leave Khyber pass and partition India and give away the pass to Pakistan ;The only way to reach Europe ?? I do not know geography so much , but he had an interesting point !

Other discussion I had was with my cab driver on the way from Washington DCA airport to the hotel . I figured out that the driver seemed to be from our part of the world , So I asked him where he belonged to ? I was right , he was from Pakistan but settled in the US for over 28 years !! While we kept talking about our countries before Partition and the sad story of strained relations now . He shared some very interesting information of why India got partitioned ?

According to this cabbie . India had the maximum number of Muslims , and Nehru & Congress party knew very well that, if India remained united , the vote of Muslims would swing to Indian Muslim League and not come to congress , so Nehru used his proximity with Edwina Mountbatten and planted the thought of partition in Jinnah. Well, I never thought of this angle !! Further this cabbie informed that, if you see the history of Jinnah a few years before freedom , he was never in favor of a partition . It was a congress and Nehru’s game plan and they never wanted to share a few states with IML ( Indian Muslim League ), which would have garnered power in some states, as some states had Muslims in majority , and Hindu’s & Muslims lived in complete harmony .

I completely empathise with this cabbie . I can only state that my mother’s family stayed in Lahore and Karachi , and I have seen my grandfather writing letters in Urdu , it never was an issue . It was planted by congress and today both nations are paying a price for the naked & insatiable lust of Nehru & his congress for grabbing power in 1947 .

The amount of money both these nations have spent on armed forces and conflict would have made this region developed in just 25 -30 years after freedom . But what we got was freedom for Nehru family to rule this nation and not for India !! Now we can well understand why Gandhi ji was in Calcutta during Independence and not with Nehru !! Gandhi ji died at the right time. Had he been alive , he would have revolted against Nehru .

AICC should have been dissolved after independence : Gandhi ji was never in favor of AICC continuing after freedom , In fact , he made a suggestion that since the objective of the congress were achieved by getting freedom from the British , it must be dissolved . But we know that Nehru had a different plan and India continues to ruin under this party !!

One of the interesting viewpoints I can share is from LKY ( Lew Kuan Yew , Father of Modern Singapore ). He has openly criticized Nehru for aping the central planning of the Soviet Union . LKY went on add that Nehru was a good writer & poet but not a great leader for India . Nehru kept promoting the non-aligned movement for the developing world but strongly sided with the soviet Union ( that is , he said one thing and did just the opposite , this is what I call the ‘Nehru Gene’ , which by the way is a legacy of the Gandhi family and its congress ) , and in the end, Nehru caused more harm to India than any other leader ! Nehru had a great opportunity to change the course of the nation immediately after freedom as he had a free hand and people believed in him , but he missed the opportunity .

Indians know that Nehru was the one who took Kashmir to United Nations , he was the one who promoted industries and not SME’s & agriculture ! Nehru guided India towards a disaster with his short-sighted policies ‘Nehru gene’ still rules the Gandhi family and the congress, and it is time to let this party be out of power for at least two terms so that the country can be brought back on track

Rajendra Pratap Gupta