50 years of Congress Misrule : Decline of India as a super power - Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Congress has ruled this nation for more than fifty years. Let’s examine what it did to this nation ?
In the last fifty years , the congress leaders have contributed immensely to deteriorating the economy and suppressing the rights of the common man by denying him the right education and running the economy on the ‘Self serving’ license raj. It was only in the 1990’s that the congress policies led India towards Bankruptcy, and under the instructions of the World Bank , Congress had to liberalise the economy. We should not forget that as a single party running the nation for more than 50 years, it did not let the common man to get proper education , as ‘The Common Man’ would have protested for change, and this, the shrewd leaders in congress never wanted . BJP was the first government that started the “Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan” to bring about the change ! Population under the congress misrule has just remained a mere statistics and a vote bank to be used during elections and abused thereafter. Let us also not forget that , congress due to its ‘Single family rule’ got divided into many parts and no one knows which is the original congress and still they talk of unity ? There is a Congress (i) , Congress Nationalist Party etc . Congress has followed only one game in the name of government , prepare the nation to take on the next Gandhi inheritor no matter what . Respect for talent and merit has never been a norm in the congress party . The party that cannot practice democracy at home , how can it practice Democracy in the party, leave alone democracy in the nation. Respect for democracy and talent in congress is a cruel joke . Congress is nothing but the rule of Gandhi family .
Below is an ‘Eye Opener’ on what Congress’s contributed to this nation :
A Failed Judiciary :
On Feb 6, 2009, the Supreme court said that , the Criminal justice system has collapsed – Making the chilling observation, which to many only confirmed the widely held perception of the erosion of the system, a Bench comprising Justices B N Agrawal, G S Singhvi and Aftab Alam also said that the lower judiciary had decayed. "The courts of magistrate and munsif have ceased to be an option for the common man," the Bench said and compared the lower courts to ill-equipped and ill-staffed public health centres (PHCs) in rural areas.
Only those people go there who have no other option," said the Bench as an apparent indicator of the low measure of public faith in these courts, which are the first points of dispute settlement for the masses.
While the last Election manifesto of congress in 2004 quoted ‘ Immediate measures will be taken to drastically cut the delays in courts, particularly in the high courts and in lower levels of the judiciary’.
Central Bureau of Investigations : “Only God can save the situation”.
On Tuesday 11th Feb , 2009, the Supreme Court said the CBI was acting at the behest of the law ministry while investigating the disproportionate assets case against SP chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and his family members. An exasperated Bench said, “Only God can save the situation”.
“You are acting at the behest of the law ministry. You are not acting on your own,” said the bench comprising Justice Altamas Kabir and Justice Cyriac Joseph ‘
Ironically, the last election manifesto of congress quoted ‘ An administrative reforms commission will be established to prepare a detailed blueprint for revamping the public administration system completely so as to make it more performance oriented and accountable’.
Divided Election Commission : Fading hopes !!
The Chief Election Commissioner's recommendation for removal of Election Commissioner , Navin Chawla ahead of the general elections brings to the fore the differences among the three-member body which has often been marred by clashes over crucial decisions. This is the second pillar after the Judiciary that safe guards the democracy . Under the current Congress rule ,The Election commissions decisions cannot be trusted anymore . Apparently , looks like, that the system has lost its credibility . Whereas , the Election Manifesto of Congress quoted ‘ Congress is deeply committed to electoral reforms’.
Congress is not in favour of Aam Aadmi ??? Poor accountability on spending :
The CAG( Comptroller and auditor general ) report released on 20th February 2009 said that the centre’s Aam Aaadmi Bill was highly inflated. According to CAG, the funds meant for social and infrastructure development were diverted to celebrations and giving aid to NGO’s and other expenditure rather than creating infrastructure .
Remember Rajiv Gandhi saying , out of every rupee meant for the poor only fifteen paisa reaches the common man. This is what the leader of party said , whose family ruled this nation as its fiefdom since the very independence !
Congress has failed to act against terrorism – We are living at the mercy of the terrorists.
The less we talk the better. This government has failed utterly against terror . We had all kinds of attacks at all the places – Air , Land & Sea. It is not just Kashmir , it is all across . We are totally at the mercy of the terrorists . Congress has let the nation down badly.
Financially , our economy is at its worst :
The fiscal deficit for 2009 would be in around 11 % . The Fiscal deficit budgeted at 2.5 % of the GDP this year , will end up at 6 % , to which should be added another 1.5 % of the GDP for the off-budget items like dues on oil and fertilizers companies . Throw in another 3.5 % of GDP of state government deficits , and India will have a consolidated fiscal deficit of 11 % in 2008-9. Remember, during the BJP led NDA , Revenue deficit never crossed 4.5 %. Congress took over from BJP, an Indian Economy growing at 8 % every year and after five years. We are just a step away from being rated as a ‘Junk status’ under the congress policies and misrule.
Congress regime has seem unchecked inflation . Even we are not sure whether the low inflation numbers we see today are correct or cooked up . Economy is sliding day by day. Companies are getting into voluntary shut downs, expected job losses till March 09 are expected to cross one crore. Last Election manifesto of Congress reiterated “its firm commitment to eliminating the revenue deficit of the central government in five years time” & actually gave India the worst ever revenue deficit since its independence . According to S&P’s ( Standard & Poor’s ratings ) , India’s fiscal position is unsustainable in the middle term, reduced the outlook on long term debt from stable to negative for four government entities , and , in turn, the UPA government . In the 3rd Week of Feb’ 09, even Fitch ratings had called India’s finances in to question.
Urban Poverty :
According to the 'India: Urban Poverty Report, 2009',The poverty in cities is not an overflow of the poverty in villages but has happened because of the faulty nature of urbanisation in India, says the country's first report on Urban Poverty released today. According to the study, an estimated 23.7 per cent of the urban population was living in slums amid squalor, crime, disease and tension, but not all slum dwellers exist below the poverty line.
They have been marginalised because of the poor city planning and poorer urban land management and legislation.
The urban poverty was not about only nutritional deficiency but deficiencies in the basic needs of housing, water, sanitation, medical care, education, and opportunity for income generation. As many 81 million or 25.7 per cent people(2004-05) subsist in urban areas on incomes that are below the poverty line. Eighty per cent of their meagre income goes towards paying for food and energy, leaving very little for meeting the cost of living in an increasingly monetised society
Congress Election Manifesto of 2004 quoted ‘ The Congress is conscious of the havoc that corruption at all levels adds to the harassment of the common man’.
In fact, fifty years of Congress misrule is a naked , sordid & ruthless saga of Gareebi , Bhrashtachaar and Aantakwaad and not the Roti , Kapda aur Makaan that has just remained a slogan after 50 years of rule. Congress is all words and no substance !
Overall , Congress led UPA is a failure on all fronts. Giving it even five hours is against the interest of the nation and the common man . All including , wise men in Congress will agree to this along with the fact that, Congress only talks of sacrifices by the Gandhi family and does not even acknowledge that others have also contributed to this nation. Is it that except the Gandhi family, no one has sacrificed in Congress ? The last manifesto of congress read ‘ It is the congress leaders like Gandhi ji, Indiraji and Rajive ji who have sacrificed their lives in the services of the country’ .
Fifty years of misrule has certainly achieved one thing; ethics has been eroded in politics and no one trusts a politician. BJP is committed to change this by you participating actively in bringing about this change and creating an India for the common man
Decline of India as a Global power :
Source : Angus Maddison, The World Economy, Paris , OECD, 2001, P.261, Table B-18
The Changing share of world GDP 1600-1870 ( In million 1990 International $ )
Geography | 1600 A.D. | % of total | 1700 A.D. | % of total | 1870 A.D. | % of total |
Britain | 6007 | 1.80 | 10709 | 2.88 | 100179 | 9.10 |
Western Europe | 65955 | 20.02 | 83395 | 22.46 | 370223 | 33.61 |
China | 96000 | 29.14 | 82800 | 22.30 | 189740 | 17.23 |
India | 74250 | 22.54 | 90750 | 24.44 | 134882 | 12.25 |
World | 329417 | | 371369 | | 1101369 | |
This chart proves that India was a world leader in trade after China with 22.54 % of the world GDP. East India company changed the global equations and reduced it to 12.25 % . Congress did the rest . Today , we are less than 2 % .
What next ? It depends on what you and I will do next ?
Rajendra Pratap Gupta
Country First
Email: President@countryfirst.org
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